Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Off to Qingdao

We had a pretty good night, although Char and I are still on USA time and wake up at 3:00 and cannot go back to sleep.  Chen Qian seems to be sleeping fine - except for the alligator death roll, which prevents Char from getting a good night sleep.

We left Jinan and headed to Qingdao for an overnight trip.  This is the city where the orphanage is located that Chen Qian was associated with.  It is beautiful.  It is right on the coast, with many famous (everything here seems to be famous) parks and attractions.

Each day is a bit better.  We have not parented a 3 year old for some time, so we are out of practice.  Books, beads and Iphone do not cut it.  She tends to get bored quickly and then weepy and then cry for de Mama - my Mama, which causes other around us to wonder if we really should have this child - fortunately, they don't count, but we still feel like bad parents.  But, today Chen Qian seemed to hold it together for all but 30 minutes of the 2 1/2 hour train ride.  Small progress -maybe tomorrow the whole day will be fine.

We completed to paperwork for her VISA at the police station and it will be ready in Jinan on Thursday.  After that was done we visited an orphanage Chen Qian had lived at soon after she returned home from the hospital.  It is a beautiful place, high up in the city next to the Shandong University (it is very famous).  we meet the director, who gave us many gifts for Chen Qian to remember them by.  We then handed out gifts to the director and some to the children and spent time playing with them and receiving a tour of the orphanage.  It is well maintained and it is very evident the children are well loved and did not seem at all like a typical orphanage.  We even met a couple of staff who cared for Chen Qian when she lived there.  It was a very moving experience. 

After that we were invited to dinner with the director, assistant director, provincial official and three staff members of the orphanage. We went to the Red Dragonfish restaurant, which, wait for it....is very famous.  It did have delicious food in the style of Shandong - lots of seafood.  Very fresh and tasty.  We could see what they had available in huge tanks as we entered the restaurant, so you know it was fresh!  This was the first time this orphanage invited the parents to dinner and we all had a great time.  As you know, I cry at the end of Star Wars, so it was difficult for me to get through.  The director wanted us to know how grateful they are that we are taking Chen Qian to be part of a loving family and how much they enjoy caring for children who need a family.  We took this opportunity to explain that the Bible has several passage that deal with caring for orphans and doing good things in the name of Christ.  One of th staff then, quietly, told Char she was a believer - it was good to connect with her over this shared goal.

It is the end to a  long day.  We know many of you are keeping us in your prayers.  We are also thinking of the other family, the Wursters, who traveled with us in Beijing, but are now in Sichuan picking up their little guy and hoping all is going well for them too.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you! Hope things are going well. Looking forward to seeing you in Guangzhou.
