Thursday, December 9, 2010

General Musings on China

China is a wonderful place.  It is familiar, yet very different at the same time.  And when it is different, it can be downright odd!  People are the same all over the world and I think travel is the best way to understand that and break down any misperceptions we may have.  However, things do not always translate well.

And it was!
Pictures on the "Famous" red couch!
And if you don't like this McDonalds, you can go the one directly behind me.
Don't even try to come to this shopping area on the weekend.
At the Park, and no it doesn't translate well.
Under construction

Steve, Lisa and Nathan Wurster, the other family from Welcome House with whom we are traveling

Our hotel, the White Swan

We had lunch at a very famous (remember, I said everything is famous?  Our guide Erin, now catches herself when she tells us something is famous and finds it humorous as well) Thai restaurant yesterday.  It is called the "Cow and the Bridge".  And the best part is they were playing Country and Western Music!  Pig tripe and Country and Western just don't seem to mix in my book.  Then in the evening we had a dinner cruise on the Pearl River.  Sounds nice, doesn't it?  In theory only.  Chinese people do not cue.  Enough said.  It was like these people had not eaten for three weeks!  You should have seen the rush to get to the buffet line and then the pushing shoving once we got there.  It was an experience not to be missed and I am glad we did it - plus it was a great way to see Guangzhou.  Enjoy the pictures from another park and one of the main pedestrian shopping zones along with pictures from the cruise.  BTW - we have not yet found anything Chen Qian does not like to eat - including cartilage.....gross and very Chinese. 

Some of you have asked if we are not yet calling her Lily.  For the time being we will continue to call her Chen Qian, which she knows as her name.  Mama may begin to call her Lily soon.  I will probably always call her Chen Qian - which means "little bit of the whole universe" - it is a very cool name.  We come home in two days, so look for a new post next week about our arrival home.  Pray for us for traveling safety and good flights!

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