Friday, December 3, 2010

Really? And things were going so well.

Today is a day we wish we could re-do.  We had a wonderful leisurely morning and then something set Chen Qian off and she bawled for 30 minutes straight and could not be consoled.  We finally got her calmed down in time to check out of the hotel and have lunch at McDonalds.  She spent about an hour with other kids and seemed to be doing fine again.

At 2:00 our guide picked us up and drove us to the Police Station to pick up the passport that was started at the Police Station in Qingdao.  You can see where this is going, right?  No passport.  The chief in Qingdao had to sign off on it and he did not yet.  In the meantime the head of the orphanage in Qingdao drove to the Police Station to talk to the Chief, but it was too late to get it processed before our flight to Guangzhou at 5:30.  The passport, however would be ready at 5:00 - not very helpful as we need it for Monday.   It will cost and extra $300 Yuan to get us the document by the time we need it next week.  But wait, it gets better.  While I am in the station figuring out what to do, Chen Qian loses it with Char, throws the mother of all tantrum and has Char in a state, because she is again "eagerly looking for her Mama" and being physically abusive to Char.  For most people that would be enough.  But wait, there is more.

This is China.  We get to the airport at 4:30 to get out 5:50 flight and there is no such flight.  The same numbered flight we were looking for left minutes prior to our arrival.  Yeah - they changed the time and no one bothered to call and check and let us know.  So, after a bit of haggling, we got on the 6:30 flight with Shen Zhen Air and were on our way and arrived at 8:40 and at 9:30 in the hotel with a very tired baby.  Did we tell you this was Chen Qian's first flight?  How do you think that went?  Yeah, about like that. 

Chen Qina and Char are friends again and she is the same smiley baby, so I am not sure what all the fussing was about today.  Char is again Mama and I am Baba.  Hopefully, that was end of the grieving, but keep on praying for us.  Next week will be a hell of a ride home if she doesn't want to clear her ears again.   Hoping tomorrow in Canton will e a good day.


  1. Hi Steve and Charlotte,
    This is neat, I am so excited for you! And learning about how to start a blog, cool. And your willingness to parent a small child again, go team!

    It sound like you won't be calling her Lily just yet, right? May the Lord be with you every step of the way. Looking forward to your return. Molly

  2. Hello Brave Baba and Mama!
    You guys are great and such an inspiration to those of us sitting here just reading about your amazing adventure. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Can't wait to meet your beautiful new daughter.
    Brenda Shelly
